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Karaoke and Country Line Dancing

Essex American Legion, Post 148, located at 20 S. Marlyn Ave., will host Karaoke with Lightning Rod, on Friday, Feb. 22, from 8 p.m. - midnight. Country Line Dancing with Mike Caskey's Party Masters will also be in the hall for a fee. On Saturday, Feb. 23, from 8 p.m. - midnight, Karaoke with For The Good Times Karaoke. On Sunday, Feb. 24, from 4 - 8 p.m. Karaoke with Bobby B Karaoke. Come join us for a weekend of good singing and a fun time. Please call the Post at 410-686-2353 for kitchen availability, menu and specials.

Bake Sale

On Saturday, Feb. 23, Girl Scout Brownie Troop 1459 will be hosting a Bake Sale at St. Matthews Lutheran Church from 3 - 7 p.m. We will be selling baked goods of all kinds, homemade chocolates, food and drinks. We will also be selling bracelets and some crafts. Hope you can come and support us in raising money for our trip to Savannah, GA.

Roast Beef Dinner

Chesaco United Methodist Church, 901 Chesaco Ave. will have a roast beef dinner on Saturday, Feb. 23, from 1 - 6 p.m. Cost for adults is $10, children age 6-10 are $5 and children under 5 are free. Carry-out available. (no children carry-out). Local delivery available. Call 410-687-0250.



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