stirs up a fine witch's brew
There is something
perversely funny about casting Angelina Jolie as a Disney villainess
who spends a significant amount of screen time hating a small child.
There was a time when the woman couldn't visit a foreign country and
not adopt a kid. Some people go to Tunisia or Turkey or Vietnam and
bring back a refrigerator magnet or a coffee mug. Angelina brings back
a new daughter. The last time she visited the Sudan, she brought the
members of her family T-shirts that read: "My mom went to the Third
World and all she brought me back was this lousy T-shirt... and a new
little brother."

Jolie stars
as the title character in "Maleficent." To say that the woman chews
the CGI scenery in this flick is an understatement. This film is her
own personal Golden Corral buffet, and - wow! - does she strap on the
ol' feedbag. The great thing is that the role and the movie play to
her best tendencies not as an actress, but as a movie star. This is
a real movie star turn, folks. Jolie dominates the screen here in a
way few can. She never once is made little by the gargantuan special
effects, a rare feat in this day and age. When she shoots energy beams
out of her fingertips, it's like they're really coming from her. Jolie
as Maleficent is really all this film had to get right. Sure, it would
have been great if pretty much any other character also registered here.
They don't really. Like in a Daniel Day-Lewis flick, they pretty much
all get caught up in the vacuum of the lead performance. But, in this
case, I'm OK with that. This is old-school Hollywood entertainment,
with Jolie's performance recalling everything from Gloria Swanson's
Norma Desmond to your pick of the classic Bette Davis or Katherine Hepburn
performances. Maleficent serves as protector over a magical land coveted
by a nearby human kingdom. The humans are corrupt and only crave conquest
and large land grabs. An army assembles on her borders under the leadership
of the corrupt King Henry (Kenneth Cranham), but Maleficent counter-attacks
with giant woodland creatures of her own and turns back the siege. Wounded
and dying, Henry offers his crown to any in the kingdom who will slay
Maleficent. There is only one man who can. His name is Stefan (Sharlto
Copley), who as a boy wandered into Maleficent's realm and ended up
befriending the young then-fairy. The childhood attraction turned into
something deeper as the two matured. It became first love. But the shine
of the crown eventually proves too much for Stefan. As a grown man,
he betrays Maleficent in the worst way - putting her in a deep sleep,
clipping her wings, and claiming the throne. Darkness falls over Maleficent's
land. In anger, she curses Stefan's first-born child, the beautiful
Aurora (Elle Fanning) with an endless sleep on her 16th birthday that
can only be roused with true love's kiss. "Maleficent" has more edge
than I thought it would, especially for a Disney film that is getting
heavy ad play on the various kids' channels. There is an intensity to
this film that is going to be a bit much for those younger than 8, I
would say. But it doesn't go over the top. If your little one is scared
by the "monsters" Maleficent summons to battle the humans or the fire-breathing
dragon she employs late in the film, just let them know that each of
the scariest of the scary creatures is always fighting on the side of
right. I think it speaks volumes of Jolie's acting in this film that
my 9-year-old Maddie wasn't wigged out by any of the creature feature
moments, but instead was most disturbed by the sequence where Maleficent
wakes up to discover her missing wings and begins wailing in hurt and
shame. There is no special effect in that scene. Just an actress on
top of her craft channeling some real dark emotions. "Maleficent" is
a dark delight. "Maleficent" is rated PG for fantasy action and violence
and some frightening images.